For a more condensed version, please see my resume.


Python and C# are my most comfortable languages, but I have worked in a wide variety: Java, C, PHP, Haskell, SML/NJ, JavaScript, SQL (PostgreSQL and MicrosoftSQL), HTML, and CSS.

In my most recent technical role at RIT, I have been working in PHP with the laravel and eloquent frameworks, with some javascript/CSS work.

In python, I have worked extensively with Django, Jupyter Notebook, scikit-learn, and pandas.

C# I used for back-end and API work while interning at Blackbaud, and became comfortable working with several Microsoft products alongside it: MicrosoftSQL, ASP.NET, and Azure.

While at Liberty Mutual, I leveraged PowerBI for data visualization of internal metrics to improve productivity across software development teams.


Attended RIT from 2013 to 2019, obtained a dual BS/MS in CS. During my master's I took advanced classes in ML and AI, language theory, and big data management. My thesis was on natural language processing - understanding moderation of online scientific discourse - and was published in WNYISPW 2019.


I am currently a full stack web developer at the College of Art and Design at RIT, where I have been working since July 2023. My team's main responsibilities include supporting the software for their inventory/asset management system, which is crucial for the students, faculty, and staff in the department. We also host and manage servers for students to create online portfolios to showcase their work.

After discovering a nearly-vegan establishment was for sale in Salem, MA, I decided to purchase Jodi Bee Bakes. I quickly learned how to manage a staff of up to 10 people during the busy season; I coordinated scheduling, purchasing, and customer orders. Unfortunately I had to shut down the business during the summer of 2023.

I started working at Liberty Mutual in August 2020, working as a data analyst and engineer in the Corporate Functions group. My main responsibilities are data vizualisation in PowerBI, and creating pipelines for ETL work. We analyze internal metrics on productivity and project progress, and give recommendations on products and development methods to improve productivity and satisfaction for the technical staff.

I was a Data Engineer at for eight months from August 2019 to April 2020. I worked mostly in Python (Django and Jupyter notebook) and PostgreSQL to create data pipelines and perform ETL work. I cleaned and prepared data for PASC, a council with the goal of providing a large pool of safety data from construction sites across many companies, allowing for a deeper analysis and to help avoid overfitting the specifics of any individual company.

During college, I obtained over a year of internship experience working at various companies over the course of my education:

I also have "Enforced" for PAX for four years (nine shows!), and now manage a team of fellow Enforcers to run panels, manage lines, and provide support to attendees.

In my spare time, I moderate several large subreddits on reddit and have been cleaning internet trash since 2016 :)


Professional interests include: Ethics in AI, NLP, and language theory
Personal interests include: wine, rock climbing, and hiking